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This issue of Review of Applied Urban Research features "Computing in Local Governments in Southeast Nebraska," by David R. DiMartino and Donald F. Norris.

In December of 1983, CAUR undertook a survey of computing in local governmental agencies in southeastern Nebraska in order to identify the type and extent of data processing services used by these governments. Data were gathered by telephone interviews with five types of jurisdictions in southeast Nebraska. These included all city governments with a population of 2,500 or more, all county governments, all school districts with enrollments of 1 ,000 and greater, all electric utilities with revenues of $1 million or more, and all natural resources districts. This resulted in a universe of 219 organizations, including 26 cities, 128 county offices (33 county assessors, 3 3 treasurers, 31 clerks. and registers of deeds), 29 electric utilities, 27 school districts, and nine natural resources districts. (See Table 1 and Map 1.)

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