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The structure of employment by industry and occupation in the Omaha Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) 1 has been changing. Trends in various industries and occupations in the Omaha SMSA do not, however, differ ·significantly from national trends. Agricultural employment is increasing in absolute numbers, but represents a declining proportion of the Omaha SMSA labor force, as is true for the nation. Similarly, employment in the manufacturing sector has become less and less important as a proportion of all employment. State and local government and retail trade employers have all had continued long term upward increases in employees, both in absolute numbers and as proportions of the total labor force. Employment in services,which has been the largest industry group since 1970, has also been increasing at rates and in absolute numbers that have exceeded all other groups. Although these trends for the Omaha SMSA labor force are not significantly different from those for the nation's labor force, the variations in both rates of change and the relative importance of some of the industry divisions indicate that the structure of the manpower needs of Omaha SMSA employers is changing.

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