Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education
Editors-in-Chief. Bridget A. Franks, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Teacher Education, College of Education University of Nebraska at Omaha bafranks@unomaha.edu. C. Elliott Ostler, Ed.D. Kennedy Professor of STEM Education Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education University of Nebraska at Omaha elliottostler@unomaha.edu. Editorial Board Members and Reviewers. Shari L. Deveney, Ph.D., Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, College of Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Jude Matyo-Cepero, Ph.D., NBCT, Teacher Education Department, College of Education, University of Nebraska at Kearney. Wendy L. McCarty, Ed.D., Teacher Education Department, College of Education, University of Nebraska at Kearney. Jeanne M.Surface, Ed.D., Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Stathene Varvisotis, Ph.D., LDT-C, Teacher Education Department, University of Nebraska at Kearney , College of Education, Kearney, NE 68849