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The NSSE Institutional Report displays core survey results for your students alongside those of three comparison groups. In May, your institution was invited to customize these groups via a form on the Institution Interface. This report summarizes how your comparison groups were constructed and lists the institutions within them.

NSSE comparison groups may be customized by (a) identifying specific institutions from the list of all 2018 and 2019 NSSE participants, (b) composing the group by selecting institutional characteristics, or (c) a combination of these. Institutions that chose not to customize received default groups that provide relevant comparisons for most institutions.

Institutions that appended additional question sets in the form of Topical Modules or through consortium participation were also invited to customize comparison groups for those reports. The default for those groups was all other 2018 and 2019 institutions where the questions were administered. Please note: Comparison group details for Topical Module and consortium reports are documented separately in those reports.

NSSE19 Selected Comparison Groups (UNO).xlsx (192 kB)
Original Excel File
