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Disabled and special needs populations have frequently been the beneficiaries of service-learning programs. In this revised version of an earlier introduction to service-learning and special needs individuals we add new studies that illustrate the use of service for disabled individuals as both recipients and deliverers of program activity. Our goal is to provide information on the value of service for special needs populations and programs.

The items in this bibliography were obtained through searches of the ERIC database, our own collection of material, and selected websites dealing with special needs programs. These searches have significantly expanded the number of items cited, yet in no way are exhaustive if the materials available. Part of our challenge has been to locate important data sources that can contribute good material to the literature on service-learning and special needs individuals. If you are aware of sources or materials not cited in this reference, please do not hesitate to contact us the the phone number or website listed so we can add your input to the next revision.


Originally published March 1994, updated June 1997.

Vue-Benson, R., Shumer, R., Hengel, M.S. & Hollander, C. (1997). Individuals With Disabilities Performing Service Topic Bibliography. St. Paul, MN: National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.

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