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Conference Proceeding

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In recent years there has been a growing interest in student community service. It is suggested that the students of the 1980's and 90's are returning to an ethic of community service. Organizations have developed to promote service from both the student and the academic perspectives. The Campus Outreach Opportunity League (COOL) is a student movement promoting community service. Campus Compact represents the academic administration interest in promoting student community service with presidents of institutions forming the membership in the organization. A third organization, the National Society of Internships and Experiential Education (NSIEE), includes student community service as a form of the more traditional field based learning/teaching strategies. Service-learning provides a mechanism for integrating community service within the overall mission of the academy. How do these trends developments manifest themselves on the local level? What interests do students bring and gain from community service? Is there a good fit between the structuring of student community service by academic planners and the interests that students bring to the service setting? This research will explore three motivational contexts in which students actively engage in community service. The three contexts are identified as altruistic, academic credit and tuition benefits.


Paper presented at the Wingspread Conference on Setting the Agenda for Effective Research in Combining Service and Learning in the 1990s March 7-10, 1991.
