Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Project

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Jeanette Harder


This report includes quantitative results, qualitative results, an overall summary, and recommendations. The Quantitative Introduction includes an demographic analysis of 2018 Quarter 3 applicants to the Homeownership Program. The Quantitative Data pages include an explanation of quantitative methodology, data collection, and analysis procedures. Additionally, a comparison of applicant demographic and outcome data, an overall summary, and research limitations are provided. The Qualitative Data pages include information on the data collection process, coding procedures, and primary themes identified. A concept map of qualitative themes and categories, an overall summary, and research limitations are also provided. The Summary provides an overall summary of the main findings from both the quantitative and qualitative analyses. The Recommendations page provides specific recommendations, informed by data, for Habitat for Humanity. References used and the focus group questions are included at the end of the report.


© 2019 The Authors