Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

William Hertzog Thompson

Second Advisor

Francis M. Hurst

Third Advisor

Stewart J. Briggs


Since early civilization man has been faced with a multitude of situations demanding that he make a decision or choice on which a future course of action or behavior will be based. We might correctly assume that decisions made by people have never been of such simplicity that they created no tension.

Civilization has become progressively more complicated, and thus more alternatives are present from which a person must choose, In the earliest days of man’s existence, decisions were of the simplest and most fundamental nature, Man’s decisions and choices ware, for the most part, governed by a few biological drives. When he became hungry, he chose to find food and eat. When he was cold he judged that he should find covering or warmth.

Primitive beings were not concerned with decisions regarding occupations, schooling, church affiliations, moral behavior, and social pressure such as affect our everyday life today. The need for organised counseling was non-existent.

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