Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Dr. Andrew Riquier


As a profession that implements unique approaches to empower people of all ages and abilities to actively participate in activities that are meaningful to them, occupational therapy is an essential service for providing holistic healthcare (Darawsheh, 2018). As an undergraduate approaching graduation, the process for applying to graduate school programs has finally begun, and it has become obvious the lack of public knowledge there is regarding the profession. Even among other healthcare professionals, there is often an inadequate understanding of the field, which can be problematic and result in patients not being referred to receive the services that may benefit their recovery process (Darawsheh, 2018). This project was the perfect opportunity to maximize both my knowledge and understanding of my dream career, and to provide the public with a comprehensive source of information about the field. It allows me to expand beyond simply just having the basic definition of the field and what the job description may entail. I will not only be doing research into the topic using credible online sources, but I am also lucky enough to be employed at a facility where I can observe some of these areas firsthand. Being able to converse with these various people will provide insight that cannot be found by solely doing research online.
