Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Special Education and Communication Disorders

First Advisor

Justin Andersson


In this capstone project different instructional and assessment strategies were used during student instruction to help students see how to assist them is being able to fill out job applications. In the span of seven teaching days, five lessons on the subject and two testing periods are the duration of time spent on the unit. Starting with a Pretest and ending with the final assessment to see the progress made with the students. Adjustments were made during instruction, and students were engaged in reflection to help the students' performance. The lesson was initially scheduled for 5 days of instruction, but data revealed from figure one showed that more was needed. Eventually, additional steps were taken to help guarantee the success of the students. The instructional strategy that was used was Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) and the assessment strategy was using concept maps. Both strategies were used to guide the students and allow them to be able to complete the task of filling out a job application independently.
