Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Marketing and Management

First Advisor

Zhihao Yu


The available engagement of social media for firms and their target market is unmatched. Rather than a one-way communication, it is an open channel. Potential customers can share their thoughts and feelings on the firms’ products and services, and firms can connect with their customers and create brand loyalty. This opens opportunities for marketers to look at new ways and strategies to connect with their customers. This is the same for professional sports teams. Just like a traditional firm, professional sports teams rely on being able to connect with and sell to their target market.

The newly established Omaha Supernovas professional volleyball is starting on their social media journey. This paper is aimed at giving them background on the importance of social media as a marketing tool, provide them with research, and give them suggestions on how they could better utilize their social media based on an industry average.

What was discovered during this study was that while there was an average, each team used their own strategy to connect with their audiences. It is necessary for any future teams or new teams to understand when to post, what will work best for each platform, and who their fans are.
