Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Dr. Sachin Nedungadi


As students continue to make the transfer into organic chemistry from general chemistry, they will have to adjust to the new type of thinking required so that they will not fall behind in understanding material and will have success in the course. For this research project, I explored which concepts taught in organic chemistry are the most difficult for students to grasp. I had two main goals for this project. The first one is the central idea that I focused on, which was to see which concepts that have been taught in Organic Chemistry 1 the students are most confident on and which ones they find to be the most difficult. Additionally, I explored their success rate in solving sample problems relating to each fundamental concept introduced throughout the course. By doing so, my hope is to use my results to give insight to organic chemistry professors on students’ areas of confidence and areas of struggle. This information could help organic chemistry instructors make instructional modifications and devote more time to problematic areas.
