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The State of Nebraska, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, the University of Nebraska and several local project partners came together to develop and share the Nebraska Business Response Survey to understand the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the revenue and workforce of organizations across the state and find the best ways to support our business and nonprofit community during this crisis. The survey launched Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at 2 P.M. and closed Friday, April 24, 2020, at 5 P.M. The survey was only made available online and in English and Spanish. The survey was translated into Spanish by Lissette Aliaga-Linares, Ph.D., assistant professor of sociology and anthropology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The survey was distributed by email invitation from survey partners to their organization’s associates and publicly announced at a press conference by Pete Ricketts, Governor of the State of Nebraska. After the first 100 responses were received, a real-time, publicly available summary of each question response was made available at\nebusinessresults. The summary report can still be accessed at that website. A series of reports using the survey data will be made available throughout May of 2020. This report provides an executive summary for the survey and analysis of quantitative survey questions by industry and by regions in Nebraska. The regions are based on zip codes in community college districts. An additional region was created in the area of the City of Lincoln due to the high number of responses. First, the survey results can only represent the views of those that responded during the 10 days that the survey was open. We recognize that the current global pandemic is rapidly evolving and thus viewpoints may evolve as well. Second, not all respondents answered all questions. Thus, the percentages and the number of respondents are given for most data points in the report and do vary across questions. Finally, in some places results may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

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