Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education




This phenomenological interview study was an examination of the lived experiences of seven fathers of adolescent sons with autism spectrum disorders as they transitioned out of school and into the postsecondary environment. The study was not created to deal only with fathers of sons; this population was coincidental. The purpose of the study was to gain insight into the fathers’ experiences and to determine whether commonalities existed within each father’s unique circumstances. A survey was considered, but discounted because of the need for more personal information from the participants. Data were collected through interviews with the participants. Analysis of the transcribed interviews resulted in identification of four emergent themes. The themes identified were: a) ideas and plans for the future; b) thoughts and experiences with the transitioning process; c) school-related thoughts and experiences; and d) communication and interaction with school districts. Participant responses were related to the available research and to the methodological findings of Carl Rogers and John Dewey.



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