Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education




This is a qualitative study of beginning science and mathematics teachers involved in a comprehensive teacher induction program. The teacher induction program was striving to encourage and increase the reflection of the beginning teachers in their program. A formal reflection instrument (Plus/Delta) was used to assist the beginning science and mathematics teachers reflect on specific lessons and compare their Plus/Delta results with those of their mentors. This study compares and where appropriate, quantifies the results of both the beginning teachers and their mentors. There were six themes found in the data reported by both mentors and beginning teachers. The themes include: management, student engagement, differentiation, assessment, instruction, and preparation. The results show agreement among mentors and beginning teachers in the area identified as needing the most change. Mathematics teachers and mentors stated that student engagement was the most reported area needing change, while science mentors and beginning science teachers found management to be the most reported area needing change.



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