Annie John, by Jamaica Kincaid

Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith, University of Nebraska at Omaha

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Annie John, originally published as a series of short stories in The New Yorker magazine, is the story of the title character's childhood and adolescent years in Antigua, West Indies. The novel is divided into eight chapters, each with its own title and internal unity of plot. Set in Antigua, these eloquent and engaging chapters chronicle Annie's confused understanding of the rift between her happy, carefree girlhood years of adulation for her mother and the power struggle and rebellion that mark Annie's transition into adolescence. The tale is told simply, with unrelenting and unapologetic candor, in the hypnotic narrative voice of a young schoolgirl. Annie presents the tension and alienation that she experiences from her mother; the separation from her friends as she outmatures them physically, academically, and emotion­ally; and, finally, her separation from Antigua, her island home.