Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Dr. Christopher M. Kelly
This dissertation explores lived experiences of prayer and aging among older Jesuits from a religion, spirituality, and aging perspective in five chapters. Chapter One opens with a review of prayer in gerontological literature. The chapter recommends attention to prayer in life course perspective, details of prayer in old age as a relationship with divinity, and appreciation of religious and spiritual outcomes of aging. The chapter concludes with an overview of research with older Jesuits of the Upper Midwest. Chapter Two presents prayer biographies of older Jesuits in life course perspective. The chapter discusses how age stages, relationships, historical events, and agency interact with prayer. The chapter reveals age stages and relationships have significant influence on Jesuit prayer lives, while attention to historical events and agency demonstrates unique contours of American Catholicism. Chapter Three details prayer practices and spiritual experiences of older Jesuits. The chapter situates discussion within scholarship of mysticism from a religion, spirituality, and aging perspective. The chapter reveals the intimacy of older Jesuits’ daily relationship with divinity, significance of their annual retreat, and descriptions of deep peace, joy, and fulfilled time that characterize their spiritual experiences. Chapter Four shares insights on compassionate love in old age. The chapter focuses attention to recognizing old age, religious and spiritual supports, and actions of love as a framework for compassionate love among older Jesuits. The chapter reveals how older Jesuits invite limitations, commit to social justice, and enact love through spiritual direction and being present with others. Chapter Five concludes by situating the lived experiences of older Jesuits within an emergent gerontological paradigm of elderhood characterized by recognition of old age, responsibility to love, and relationship with divinity.
Recommended Citation
Fogle, Stephen John, "“BEING WITH GOD”: PRAYER BIOGRAPHIES, MYSTICISM IN OLD AGE, AND COMPASSIONATE LOVE AMONG OLDER JESUITS" (2024). Gerontology Theses, Dissertations, and Student Creative Activity. 1.
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