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The purpose of this effort was to gain a better understanding of the current state of vulnerability assessments used in the evaluation of soft targets and crowded places (ST-CPs). First, we reviewed the existing vulnerability assessments and tools used in the assessment of ST-CPs. The assessments reviewed included broad tools that can be used across contexts, as well as more narrow tools that are used in specific facilities or for certain events. We also explored analogous contexts where standardized tools are used to gain insight into creative ways of adapting a tool for use in multiple contexts. Finally, we conducted interviews and focus groups with professionals in this space. This included discussions with those in charge of managing security at carious ST-CPs, focus groups with Protective Security Advisors, as well as an event describing a new community-based security initiative.
Recommended Citation
Reichin, Sydney L.; Parsons, Kat; Ciagala, Kelsey; and Hunter, Sam T., "Summary Report: Examining Soft Target Vulnerability Assessments" (2024). Reports, Projects, and Research. 114.
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