Date of Award
Spring 2024
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Political Science
Inequality and equality are two concepts found at the center of political science research. Around the world, governments have approached these concepts with caution as they have influenced nations' political, social, and economic structures throughout history. This essay will explore the politics of equality and inequality by drawing on the subfields of American government, political theory, and international relations. Through this interdisciplinary lens, this essay will delve into these concepts' historical, theoretical, and practical dimensions, their correlation with the referenced subfields, and their interplay within modern society. This essay will also analyze contemporary manifestations of these dynamics, shedding light on the debates and challenges surrounding the pursuit of equality and the perpetuation of inequality worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Manny, "The Politics of Equality and Inequality" (2024). Political Science Theses, Dissertations and Student Creative Activity. 2.
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