
Amy Bonn

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The Stone Soup Sustainability research project is an evaluation of how AmeriCorps*VISTA (VISTA) projects address continuity and viability. The research examines what elements are important to a project's sustainability and what resources are needed to improve efforts for stakeholders (Corporation for National Service staff, VISTA supervisors, VISTA Leaders and members). Using Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, stakeholders were interviewed and asked how they defined a successful project, what strategies they used to develop such a project and what tools would be useful to them. From these findings, the Stone Soup Sustainability series was developed. The series includes a supervisor's guide to developing sustainability workplans, a sustainability training module, and a sustainability workbook for members. Additionally, three programming and policy recommendations are outlined at the end of the paper: a National Service Collaboration, training and technical assistance for members and supervisors and increasing sustainability awareness within the AmeriCorps*VISTA community.

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