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A basic guide to the legal issues involved in programs that combine educational goals with direct involvement in the community - essential reading for any program administrator. The term "school" is used throughout to indicate any educational institution -elementary, secondary, or postsecondary, public or private - which may sponsor a student service-learning program. The term "agency" denotes any public or private community-based organization which may provide work opportunities or training or supervision of students at work sites. Portions of this analysis of legal issues in internships and experiential learning first appeared in Legal Issues Resource Booklet, by Michael B. Goldstein and John Laster, a publication of the National Center for Service-Learning, a former ACTION Program.


Goldstein, M. "Legal Issues in Combining Service and Learning." In J. Kendall (Ed.) Combining Service and Learning: A Resource Book for Community and Public Service, Vol. II. (39-60) Raleigh, NC: National Society for Internships and Experiential Education.
