Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dean Fixsen

Second Advisor

Karen Blase

Third Advisor

Shelton Hendricks


The expansion in social validation literature has initiated a growing concern surrounding several methodology issues. In particular the need has arisen for social validation research to incorporate reliable and valid measurement scales and to explore the effects of extraneous variables on judges’ ratings. The current study socially validated the effects of a consultant training program and investigated the effects of four variables on judges’ ratings: judges' position, judges' program affiliation, viewed consultant-trainee's level of training and an individual consultanttrainee factor. Teaching-Parent and consultant judges from three different training sites viewed videotapes of consultant-trainees before and after training. The judges rated each trainee's performance using the CPRS, a reliable and valid measurement scale from the counselor literature. Correlational analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between the subjective ratings given to the consultant-trainees and their objective scores (percent appropriate consultant behaviors), thus providing evidence of the social validity of the consultant training program. An analysis of variance showed significant main effects for judges’ program affiliation (i.e., training site) and the individual consultant-trainee factor. The variables of judges' position (i.e., Teaching-Parent or Consultant) and consultant-trainee’s level of training (i.e., pre or post) did not significantly influence the judges’ ratings. Four of the eleven interaction effects were found to be significant. The judges also rated an ’’ideal" consultant by rating and ranking the CPRS categories. These results suggested the validity and reliability of the CPRS with a consultant population. Results were discussed regarding implications for future social validation research, stressing continued emphasis on social validation methodology.


A Thesis Presented to the Department of Psychology and the Faculty of the Graduate College University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts University of Nebraska at Omaha.

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