Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Educational Leadership


Since the release of the Great Plains School District Organization Project, much criticism has been leveled at the small rural school of the four states involved in the study. The report has done an excellent job of creating an intense interest in the question: What effect does the size of the school have on the quality of education the student receives? Educators and lay citizens have begun to question whether the small school can offer a well rounded educational program to its constituents. School programs have been re-examined with especially critical attention devoted to programs in school districts with smaller enrollments than those suggested in the guidelines of the Great Plains Project. Some educators in many of these small school districts share the common feeling that the graduates of their respective schools are not deprived of educational opportunities but are just as well prepared to cope with later enterprises as those graduating from large metropolitan schools.


A Field Project Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Specialist in Education. Copyright Charles Leo Humphrey March, 1969

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