Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Leon Dappen


The purpose of this study was to compare two guided reading strategies, group within a group instruction and large group guided reading instruction to determine if one is more effective at raising student word meaning, literal comprehension, inferential comprehension and critical judgment achievement test scores. Tri-Center had used both reading strategies. If there is a significant improvement in student achievement levels using one reading strategy over another, it would indicate that Tri-Center Middle School would need to look at converting other reading sections to the more successful reading strategy. The study was limited to 42 students all being eighth grade students who are enrolled at Tri-Center Middle School for the 2005-2006 school year. Tri-Center Middle School has three reading sections per grade level with approximately twenty students per section.


A Field Project Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska at Omaha In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Specialist of Education Major: Educational Administration. Copyright Brian A. Wedemeyer September, 2006