Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)



First Advisor

Dr. Saundra Shillingstad


The main purpose of this study is to determine if using Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory to guide activities for literature groups aids in student comprehension. Students in three literature groups at the fifth and sixth grade level were given a survey to determine each student’s intelligence scores. After each student’s intelligence scores were found, the average of each intelligence score was used to determine the groups’ strongest and weakest intelligences. Activities were then made for each group to correlate with their strongest and weakest intelligences and comprehension was tested after each reading assignment and activity was completed via a two-minute recall test. Comprehension test scores for the strongest intelligence activity and scores for the weakest intelligence activity were compared to see which activity led to higher test scores. From the data collected, it was determined that using an activity based on the strongest intelligence for a group led to higher comprehension scores.
