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1. Just a Minute:Delivering quick tutorialsat the point of needTammi Owens Library Technology ConferenceEmerging Services Librarian Macalester CollegeWinona State University March 20, 2013
2. “Two minutes… is an eternity on the web.” Jakob Nielsen, 2011
3. Devices proliferate.
4. Informationexhaustionis high.
5. Cut through the NOISE.
6. Make it … pop snapstick flow
7. Make it … pop
8. Popthroughinformationstreams.
9. Pop through anxiety. Not me …Skeered? really … well sort of, yes.
10. Make it … snap
11. Make it (a) snap.
12. Offer help.
13. At the point of need. (Because who’s going to see this part, anyway?)
14. Students livein the LMS.
15. Students live in the CMS.From the library Live there with them.
16. Students live in the CMS.From the library Change content often.
17. Engage first.
18. Engage first.
19. Engage first.
20. Make sure it works. Everywhere.
21. Make it …stick
22. Tutorialscan sticklike memes.But viralitytakes effort.
23. And sometimes, fearlessness.
24. Marketingcreatesultimate This drivesstickiness. behavior.
25. Work together to presenta common message. But don’t let it cramp your own style.
26. Make it … flow
27. Let itflow. Stay agile .
28. “If you use thelibrary website 46% =to get answersabout library “How do I”resources orthe researchprocess, 9% =which sectionof the site are “Onlineyou likely to tutorials”look at first?”
29. “Which type of online library helpwould you be most likely to use?” Text (written directions) 33% Prefer face-to-face 25% Email 15% Videos 11%10% Real-time chat 6% Wouldn’t use 1% Other (Oops.)
Recommended Citation
Owens, Tammi M., "Just a Minute: Delivering quick tutorials at the point of need" (2013). Criss Library Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 59.
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