Submissions from 2024
Assessing Archival Instruction Through an Active Learning Survey, Claire Du Laney
We Can Do It! But Should We? Reflecting on Projects and Priorities, Claire Du Laney, Wendy Guerra, Amy Schindler, and Lori Schwartz
A Classroom of Our Own: An exploratory case study of archivists teaching outside the archives, Claire Du Laney and Lori Schwartz
Archives Field Trip! Bringing Public History to the Archives, Claire Du Laney and Lori Schwartz
Digital Collections Internships at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Wendy Guerra
Kludge Cataloging: Cobbling Together Hebrew Bibliographic Records When You Can't Read Hebrew, Angela Kroeger
Copyright and Creative Commons, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Digital Commons and Open Access: Utilizing DigitalCommons@UNO and UNO's Open Access Publishing Agreements to make your work open and accessible, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Lunch and Learn: Open Access, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Submissions from 2023
Please Interact: Reworking a digital exhibit for student engagement using "free" software, Claire Du Laney
Practice, Patience, and Persistence: Integrating Growth Mindset Prompts in First-Year Writing Information Literacy Instruction, Omer Farooq and Tammi M. Owens
Digital Libraries as Digital Third Place: Virtual Programming in the Age of Loneliness, Stephen Craig Finlay and Jenny Haddon
Archival Collection Digitization: Great Plains Black History Museum, Wendy Guerra
Archiving Latinxs on the U.S. Great Plains: Voices of a Pandemic Oral History Collection, Wendy Guerra
Voices of a Pandemic Oral History Collection, Wendy Guerra and Cheryl Jiménez Frei
A Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collections, Wendy Guerra and Lori Schwartz
A Call for Help: Tailored Training for Suicide Prevention in Libraries, Marina Hand and Lacey Rogers
War in Iraq, 2003-2011: an exhibit from the Hagel Archives, Lori Schwartz
Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collection, Lori Schwartz and Wendy Guerra
Balancing Act in the Archives: Increasing Access to the Great Plains Black History Museum Collection, Lori Schwartz and Wendy Guerra
DigitalCommons@UNO and Building Your Scholarly Profile, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Make Your Work Accessible: Utilizing DigitalCommons@UNO and UNO's Open Access Publishing Agreements to make your work open and accessible, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Open Access 30 Minute Workshop, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Open Access Week Slide Show, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Submissions from 2022
Charting Our Path: Celebrating 50 Years of Black Studies, Claire Du Laney and Paul Jensen
Intentional Design: Crafting a Sustainable Internship Program, Claire Du Laney, Lori Schwartz, and Wendy Guerra
Working around our CMS: providing access to 78,000 images when "digitize everything" is the goal, Wendy Guerra
Public Witnessing as Catalyst for Community Repair: Partnerships and Processing in the Archives., Lori Schwartz
The Dos and Don'ts of Zoom Interviews: A New Librarians Navigating a New Normal, Isabel Soto-Luna
Anatomy of a Creative Commons License, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Background on Creative Commons, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Copyright: The basics you need to know, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Creative Commons: Collections and Remixes Tutorial, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Open Access and Open Educational Resources, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Open Access Virtual Workshop, Jennie Tobler-Gaston
Submissions from 2021
Oral Histories in the Archives, Wendy Guerra
Peers Amidst a Pandemic: Fostering Remote Relationships and Collaborative Mentoring in an Academic Library, Wendy Guerra
Intentional Design: Crafting a Mutually Beneficial Internship Program in a University Archives and Special Collections, Wendy Guerra, Claire Du Laney, and Lori Schwartz
The Queer Omaha Archives: The First 5 Years, Amy C. Schindler
Submissions from 2020
Migrating to Ex Libris' Alma ILS from Early Stages to Post Migration, Heather Buckwalter, Angela Kroeger, and Margaret Mering
The Librarian’s Guide to Zines for Classroom and Community, Claire Du Laney, Monica Maher, and Amy Schindler
Anatomy of Creative Commons Licenses, K. M. Ehrig-Page
Dismantling the Knowledgeopoly: An Open Research Future, K. M. Ehrig-Page
Using Creative Commons Licenses and Creative Commons Licensed Works, K. M. Ehrig-Page
What is Creative Commons?, K. M. Ehrig-Page
Presentation: Small Teaching: Effective Techniques to Scaffold Student Learning in Information Literacy Sessions, Omer Farooq
Balancing Risk and Reward: Managing Demand-Driven eBooks, James T. Shaw
The Electronic Academic Library: Licensing Resources Versus Ownership and Implications for Access, James T. Shaw
Submissions from 2019
Using an ALA Carnegie Whitney Grant to Support Women in STEM: A Bibliography Project, Heidi Blackburn
Using an ALA Carnegie-Whitney Grant to Support Women in STEM: A Bibliography Project, Heidi Blackburn
Women in STEM in Higher Education: An ALA Carnegie-Whitney Grant Project, Heidi Blackburn
LGBTQIA-R: Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Medical Collection, Heidi Blackburn and Omer Farooq
A citation analysis of journals publishing research on women in STEM in higher education, Heidi Blackburn and Jason A. Heppler
Crafting Relevant Community Partnerships Using Archives, Amy C. Schindler and Laurinda Weisse
Submissions from 2018
The rEvolution: The added stress of STEM, Heidi Blackburn
You Can See Them from Space: Collecting 4,000 Post-its from Business Writing Students as Minute-Paper Formative Assessment, Heidi Blackburn
The Status of Women in STEM in Higher Education: A literature review 2007-2017, Heidi Blackburn and Tarun Chaturvedi
Making Room for Moms: Advocating for a Lactation Space in the Library, Heidi Blackburn and Joyce Neujahr
A textbook program is NOT for us: Re-Imagining failure into new possibilities, Heidi Blackburn and Tammi Owens
A Textbook Program is NOT for Us! Re-Imagining Failure Into New Possibilities, Heidi Blackburn and Tammi Owens
Chancellors and Change: Conversations About the Campus Climate, Heidi Blackburn, Jenna M. Yentes, Jessi Hitchins, and Laura Sherwin
Easy as 1,2,3: Create your own journal/ event pages with DigitalCommons@UNO, K. M. Ehrig-Page
Investing in Knowledge: The Benefits of an Open Access Fund, K. M. Ehrig-Page
Opening Access: Increasing Scholarly Impact with DigitalCommons@UNO, K. M. Ehrig-Page and Yumi Ohira
ACRL Framework: Theory & Applications, Omer Farooq
Explanations, Analogies, and Elaborations: Incorporating Questioning Prompts in Instruction Sessions, Omer Farooq
Best Practices for Digital Collections, Corinne Jacox and Yumi Ohira
ArchivesSpace in a Shared Environment: The University of Nebraska Consortium of Libraries Experience, Angela Kroeger and Larissa Krayer
Adventures with Metadata, Workflows, and Exhibit-based Storytelling at UNO Libraries, Angela Kroeger, Yumi Ohira, and Lori Schwartz
Storytelling in a Digital Age: Connecting Our Communities and Collections Using Exhibits, Amy Schindler and Lori Schwartz
Submissions from 2017
Helming the change: navigating the murky waters when combining service points, Katie Bishop and Joyce Neujahr
Building on Success: Using Assessment to Expand Library Outreach Services, Katie Bishop and Tammi Owens
Academic Blasphemy: Providing Access to Textbooks in the Library, Heidi Blackburn and Tammi Owens
We can see ourselves here: Strategically building a library collection to support Women in IT, Heidi Blackburn and Meghan Salsbury
3,000 Post-its: Minute Papers as Formative Assessment in Business Writing Courses, Heidi Blackburn and A. L. Walker
Preserving Histories Digitally, Jason A. Heppler
Show Us Your Omaha: Combating LGBTQ+ Archival Silences, Angela J. Kroeger, Yumi Ohira, and Amy Schindler
Collaborative Approaches to Digital Projects: Enhancing Collections through Effective Access and Promotion, Yumi Ohira
UNO Open Access Fund Statistics: What do they tell us?, Yumi Ohira
Ghosted by Faculty: When You Build It and They Don’t Come, Meghan Salsbury, Heidi Blackburn, and Tammi M. Owens
Poster Presentation: "The Good (Digital) Life: Promoting Diverse Educational and Archival Materials through Exhibits", Lori Schwartz, Yumi Ohira, Jacqueline Mitchell, and Angela Kroeger
Does a NextGen Catalog Imply a NextGen Library?, James T. Shaw
Submissions from 2016
Do I need clearance? Serving as the library liaison to USSTRATCOM Fellows, Heidi Blackburn
Color Me Calm: Adult Coloring and the University Library, Heidi Blackburn and Claire E. Chamley
Color Me Calm: Adult Coloring in the University Library, Heidi Blackburn and Claire E. Chamley
More than Potlucks: Reviving social engagement for a thriving library workplace, Heidi Blackburn, Laine McCurrin, Lori Schwartz, and Diana Allard
Hello BIBFRAME 2.0: Changes from 1.0 and Possible Directions for the Future, Angela J. Kroeger
The Queer Omaha Archives, Amy Schindler
Sailing into Metrics: Rethinking and Implementing Metrics and Assessment in Archives, Amy C. Schindler
Creating Green Open Access to Institutional Scholarship using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
Creating Open Access to Institutional Scholarship using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
Establishing an Electronic Theses Repository Using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
Establishing an Electronic Theses Repository using Digital Commons, Deborah L. White and Yumi Ohira
Submissions from 2015
Rethinking an Established Information Literacy Program: How Leveraging Assessment Data Can Improve Teaching and Promote Change, Katie Bishop and Eleanor Johnson
Don't wait for them to come to you: Partnering with student support services, Katie Bishop, Connie Sorensen-Birk, and Derek Boeckner
Factors Influencing Male Millennials to Become Professional Librarians, Heidi Blackburn
Geomorphology: Changing the scholarly sources landscape with geology students, Heidi Blackburn and Ashlee L. Dere
A Brief Overview of BIBFRAME, Angela J. Kroeger
Show 'Em What You've Got: Exposing Finding Aids with ArchivesSpace, Angela J. Kroeger