"Migrating to Ex Libris' Alma ILS from Early Stages to Post Migration" by Heather Buckwalter, Angela Kroeger et al.

Author ORCID Identifier

Margaret Mering

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In 2016, Creighton Law Library migrated to Ex Libris’ Alma ILS. The four University of Nebraska campuses are in the early days of their migration to Alma. The presentations will include the successes and challenges of migrating to a new ILS. They will cover the seemingly endless number of cleanup projects in a consortium environment and a single campus environment pre- and post-migration. They will reflect on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic using a hosted ILS, on migrating to a new ILS during the pandemic, adapting to a cloud-based ILS system, adjusting to a more hands-on system, and things that might have been done differently.


This presentation was given at the Nebraska Library Association (NLA) College and University Section Fall Meeting.

The recording of this presentation, and others from this conference, may be found here: https://unl.libguides.com/CUFall2020.

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