"Dismantling the Knowledgeopoly: An Open Research Future" by K. M. Ehrig-Page

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Kate Ehrig-Page

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A library plays an integral part in the community because its doors are usually open to everyone, at least in non-pandemic times. However, access to education, to research or, more broadly, to knowledge is often siloed and hidden behind subscriptions so that knowledge monopolies start to grow. In “Dismantling the Knowledgeopoly: An Open Research Future”, and in celebration of October’s Open Access Week that promotes free, immediate access to peer reviewed scholarship, we will look at ways you can broaden the scope of Open Access and move towards Open Research.

The idea for this presentation arose through working in the scholarly communications field and seeing calls for it to become more sustainable and accessible. In addition to this and due to the current financial climate, where libraries are being asked to cut budgets we have been given, as presenter Kathleen Fitzpatrick put it in the OASPA webinar, “What is Scholarly Publishing in the 21st Century?, we have been given “an awful opportunity” to rebuild scholarly communications to serve humanity through moving towards open research and making education more accessible. Libraries can not afford to do otherwise.


This presentation was given at the Nebraska Library Association (NLA) College and University Section Fall Meeting.

The recording of this presentation, and others from this conference, may be found here: https://unl.libguides.com/CUFall2020.

2020-10_KMEP_NLA_Presentation_With-Notes.pptx (3517 kB)
Presentation + Notes

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