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Understanding the difference between collections and derivative works is key to your reuse and adaptation of existing material. It is often useful to create collections and derivative works for educational purposes; for instance, you may wish to compile a collection of articles or adapt an existing educational source to serve as a course text. However, it is not always possible to do both or any, depending on copyright restrictions. This presentation will guide your use and re-use of material that hold a Creative Commons license. In this presentation we will answer the questions "What are collections and what are derivative works?" We will also provide examples of collections and derivative works, along with providing tools for how to navigate reuse with the adapter's license chart and the license compatibility chart.
Recommended Citation
Ehrig-Page, K. M., "Using Creative Commons Licenses and Creative Commons Licensed Works" (2020). Criss Library Faculty Proceedings & Presentations. 120.
Presentation + Notes
2019_K-EP_UsingCCLicenses.pdf (1403 kB)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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This presentation was released for Open Access Week 2020. The presentation was originally designed for the 2019 Creative Commons Certificate program. If you would like to see more presentations on Creative Commons, released for Open Access Week 2020 at UNO, please see: