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Du Laney -

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“Charting Our Path: Celebrating 50 Years of Black Studies” celebrates the 50th anniversary of the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Department of Black Studies. Created through student activism and community involvement, and encountering periods of challenges, UNO’s Department of Black Studies remains one of the oldest Black Studies departments in the country. This traveling exhibit highlights important moments in the department’s history including its origins in the 1960s, institutional conflict, and triumphs of a thriving department. Items reproduced here are primary sources, materials made during specific time periods. The materials may refer to individuals, groups, and events in ways that may be considered upsetting, offensive, or obscene today. Cultural heritage repositories such as archives, libraries, and museums are not neutral spaces and should not be considered unbiased authorities of historical data. “Charting Our Path: Celebrating 50 Years of Black Studies” is part of a cooperative project of the UNO Libraries and the Department of Black Studies. Support has been provided by UNO’s Strategic Investment in Social Justice, Inequality, Race, and Class initiative, UNO Libraries, and the Department of Black Studies. This exhibit is funded in part by Humanities Nebraska and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment. This traveling exhibit was curated by Claire Du Laney, UNO Libraries’ Outreach Archivist, and researched in part by Paul Jensen, UNO Libraries’ student worker.

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