"Show Us Your Omaha: Combating LGBTQ+ Archival Silences" by Angela J. Kroeger, Yumi Ohira et al.

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The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Libraries offers a variety of unique and specialized collections in the Archives & Special Collections (ASC) for UNO and Omaha community members. In 2015, ASC began planning for preserving and providing access to Omaha’s LGBTQ+ history through the Queer Omaha Archives. Archival silences were defined by archivist Rodney Carter as the manifestation of the actions of the powerful in denying the marginalized access to archives with further definition by archivists and researchers expanding this definition. The UNO Libraries has invested in developing digital engagement as a strategic priority through building infrastructure and expanding community partnerships. Infrastructure includes expert employees, metadata, systems to manage digital collections, and outreach. Partnerships consist of working with volunteers, donors, and community organizations. This presentation will discuss metadata, digital collections, and outreach related to the Queer Omaha Archives including: the challenges and successes encountered while making the LGBTQ+ materials accessible and discoverable online; improved workflows; the lessons learned during the launch of the initiative; and our ongoing and future community partnerships.

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