Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. John MacPae

Second Advisor

Dr. Claude E. Thompson


This treatise is a report of a study which recognizes two needs basic in any consideration of personnel problems in the industrial work situation. One of these needs is for clues affecting the employee with respect to absenteeism, and hence, his productivity and effectiveness. Such clues need to be found by some means yielding greater assurance than does intuitive guessing or speculation. Second, is the need for a readily applicable and conveniently usable technique for the measurement of absenteeism and for determining the degree of assurence with which indicated clues may be accepted. This report presents such a technique and offers clues as significantly related to absenteeism in the specific situation studied.


Personality Factors Related to Absenteeism. Copyright 1954, George L. Storms

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