Month/Year of Graduation


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Social Work

First Advisor

Ciara Warden


This project is a case study on my brother, Damien, who has sensory processing disorder. This included a treatment plan based on sensory integration. All activities were meant to activate the parts of his brain that help him to focus and be in alignment and included strategies for both school and home. These strategies included using chew necklaces, a weighted vest, and sensory integrative activities including being wrapped in a blanket before bed, using a mini trampoline, and doing wall pushups.

Damien’s family and teacher used these strategies in school and at home. The teacher found all of the strategies helpful in alleviating many of the concerns in her classroom except for Damien hopping in and out of line. Damien’s family found the short phrases to be helpful, as well as the wall push-ups, blanket wrap, and mini trampoline. Damien did not enjoy the lotion and rice. Damien has continued responding well to the other strategies so far.

This case study shows good evidence that small sensory integrative strategies can be simple and helpful for families and teachers to implement into daily life. Further study is needed on a larger scale for children with different types of sensory differences.
