Brené Brown on Empathy
Royal Society for Arts (RSA), Brené Brown, Katy Davis, Abi Stephenson, and Al Francis-Sears
In this video, Brené Brown explains the difference between sympathy and empathy. She shares that the only way to make a true empathetic connection is through vulnerability. (Video length: less than 3 minutes)
The Why And How of Effective Altruism
Peter Singer and TED Conferences
In this TED Talk, philosopher Peter Singer pushes our altruistic impulse to the next level by exploring how individuals can make a difference by doing whatever they can whenever they can.
Poverty, Money--And Love
Jessica Jackley and TED Conferences
This TED talk explores how micro-lending created a successful relationship between small business owners, entrepreneurs, and one woman, whose experience changed this speaker's perception of people who experience poverty.
RSA Animate: The Empathic Civilisation
Royal Society for Arts (RSA), Jeremy Rifkin, and Abi Stephenson
In this video, author, activist, and political advisor Jeremy Rifkin explores the evolution of empathy and how empathy shapes the world today. (Video length: about 10 minutes)
Working With People Experiencing Poverty
AmeriCorps and Donna Beegle
This handout provides context and considerations to review before working with people who are experiencing poverty. The handout provides reflective questions and information for engaging in anti-poverty work.
The UNO Service Learning Academy (SLA), in partnership with AmeriCorps and the Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTA Program, has had the opportunity to collaborate with AmeriCorps members to recognize the community’s most pressing challenges and advance local solutions to work towards eradicating poverty.
Out of this partnership, the SLA is able to provide a space for project materials and resources specifically curated for anti-poverty service learning. The resources found here are just the beginning, and we hope to continue to grow the inventory with anti-poverty research, class projects, and resources contributed by our service learning partners. Have your own anti-poverty materials you wish to share? Send us your materials via email at unosla@unomaha.edu and include “Anti-Poverty Service Learning Resources” as your email subject line.
For more information on the SLA’s anti-poverty initiative, visit our website at https://www.unomaha.edu/service-learning-academy/priority-areas/anti-poverty-initiative.php
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