UNO Biology Faculty Proceedings & Presentations | Department of Biology | University of Nebraska at Omaha
Conference proceedings and presentations by Biology Department faculty members are collected here.


Submissions from 2017


Differences in preservice teachers’ readiness to use ICT in education and development of TPACK, Erkko Sointu, Teemu Valtonen, Christine E. Cutucache, Jari Kukkonen, Matthew C. Lambert, and Kati Mäkitalo‐Siegl

Submissions from 2016


Supportive Structures For Successful Science Teachers’ Professional Development, C. Schaben, C. Cutucache, N. Grandgenett, E. Mulkerrin, and R. J. Hougham

Submissions from 1989


Tallgrass Prairie Remnants of Eastern Nebraska, Judith F. Boettcher and Thomas B. Bragg


Establishing Warm-Season Grasses and Forbs Using Herbicides and Mowing, Thomas B. Bragg and David M. Sutherland


Effect of Burning on Germination of Tallgrass Prairie Plant Species, Sherry R. Rohn and Thomas B. Bragg


Effect of Eastern Red Cedar on Seedling Establishment of Prairie Plants, Dan J. Stipe and Thomas B. Bragg