"An Annotated List of the Vascular Plants of Keith County, Nebraska" by David M. Sutherland and Steven B. Rolfsmeier

An Annotated List of the Vascular Plants of Keith County, Nebraska

David M. Sutherland, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Steven B. Rolfsmeier, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Published in the Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences XVII: 83-10, 1989.


This study provides an annotated list of the vascular plants known to exist outside of cultivation in Keith County, Nebraska. Listed are a total of 599 species, subspecies and varieties belonging to 302 genera of 87 families. Notes are included about frequency and habitat for each of the taxa. 264 (44.1 %) of the taxa listed were previously unreported for Keith County. Additionally, the paper discusses vegetation regions in the county and gives information in tabular form about numbers of the flora in different taxa, the ten largest families, numbers of taxa of different growth habits, and numbers of taxa in different habitats.