"Presidential Politics and the Black Vote, Part 2 of 3" by Preston Love Jr.

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From part 1. “No consensus decision was ever formally made (of what black leader would run for President in 1984) but Rev Jackson decided to test the waters and received the blessing of most of the leaders.

Rev Jackson launched a southern voter registration tour, hired me as his only staff (I took a leave of absence from the City of Atlanta). “ During the summer of 1983 Rev. Jackson and I traveled at first during the weekends and later full time, into the historic southern states Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky. Rev Jackson spoke to growing crowds, in every state and we urged locals to register voters. The crowds grew and grew. Rumors and events began to point to the fact that Rev Jackson was considering running for President. These overwhelming black crowds flocked to our appearances, registered to vote and began to shout, RUN, JESSE, RUN, RUN, JESSE, RUN. The test of the waters quickly became a powerful movement that was growing nationwide and almost rose to a fever pitch, RUN, JESSE, and RUN.


This article was first published on 4urban.org.
