"North Omaha Voter: Which excuse is yours!! Part 2" by Preston Love Jr.

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Bellevue University. I wrote two 2000-word papers on my finding. Both papers analyzed finding from a random survey which included an interview question. The survey asked about voter habits, age, race, and reasons for the participant who are not voting, why not. The results were stimulating and I plan to expand on the study this year. The two papers are available from my website: prestonlovejr.com/ blackvotesmatter/case study.

Last issue I shared a short excerpt from one of papers. The following represents a summary of the reasons stated by the participants on why they are not voting. The sample was 55% white. The statistical deviations and correlation are not included here but are fully developed in the two papers This issue I will combine the recommendation from each case study paper in hope to raise the consciousness of the reader as to the challenge we face in getting our voters out to vote.


This article was originally published on 4urban.org.
