"Understand North Omaha's past to chart the best course for the future" by Preston Love Jr.

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Omaha World Herald


As a native of Omaha with years of accumulated wisdom as to the plight of my beloved race, I have a responsibility to speak up during these tumultuous times. I do not have the right, however, to speak for my community. I am observing a tremendous surge of activism and conversation among black Omahans, from our elected officials and organizational leaders to our lay leaders and, most importantly, our young leaders.


This article was reused with permission from the Omaha World Herald. To see the published article and more from the Omaha World Herald, please visit: https://omaha.com/opinion/preston-love-jr-understand-north-omahas-past-to-chart-the-best-course-for-the-future/article_d485db11-54cb-5a99-a29c-48a75055eea2.html.

Preston Love Jr., World-Herald community columnist, is a longtime Omaha civic engagement activist who also teaches black studies at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
