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The College of Public Affairs and Community Service (CPACS) was created in 1973 to ensure the university was responsive to the critical social needs of our community and state. The College was given the mission not only to provide educational programs of the highest caliber and to prepare students for leadership in the public service, but also to reach out to the community to help solve public problems.
The College has become a national leader among similar colleges, with seven programs ranked in the top 30 in the nation. Our faculty ranks are among the finest in their disciplines. Moreover, faculty, staff, and students are integral to the community and the state because of our applied research, service learning and community partnerships. We take seriously our duty to address social needs and craft solutions to local, state and national problems.
Recommended Citation
College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha, "Annual Report 2018-2019" (2019). Dean’s Office. 1.
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