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Fostering the Adolescent is designed as a curriculum to meet the needs of foster parents who have (or soon will have) adolescent foster children in their homes. Trainers will get to know the parents in their groups and use some flexibility in meeting the needs of those parents. The commitment made by the Foster Parent Training Project is one of providing parents with materials and training that will be helpful to them in fostering their adolescents. The curriculum is designed in ten separate segments, and those segments or sessions may be delivered in any sequence helpful to both the parents and the trainer. Sessions One, Two, and Three should first be presented in that order, and the other sessions may be presented in any order the trainer desires. Some groups may meet for a compressed "week-end" session while others may opt to meet weekly for anywhere from one to ten different meetings. Regardless of the training format utilized, the trainer will need to know the parents and his or her own needs and schedule the sequence accordingly.

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