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In the summer of 1984, representatives of the Council Bluffs Senior Citizens Center requested assistance from the Center for Applied Urban Research to analyze their program offerings and attendance. The request resulted in two types of assistance. First, working with volunteers and staff, two students from the University of Nebraska at Omaha compiled existing information on Senior Center usage. These efforts resulted in a computerized list of about 700 users by the types of activities in which they participated. This list is to be used when sending program information to participants. Automation allows sorting in order to select users according to participation in programs/activities. In this way, if information is to be sent to those who participate in bridge lessons, for example, that mailing list can be obtained independently of other information. Mailing and printing costs can thus be controlled by selectively mailing information to former participants and presumably those who are most interested. (In addition, the evaluation form from which information was compiled was modified in order to improve the quality of information gathered.)
