"Nebraska Policy Choices: 1987" by Russell L. Smith

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Nebraska Policy Choices: 1987 represents the work of 14 faculty from the University of Nebraska's Omaha and Lincoln campuses. As last year, the authors are some of the leading experts in the state in their respective areas of interest. The depth of faculty capacity, coupled with the breadth and timeliness of the topics, combine to make Nebraska Policy Choices: 1987 an exciting publication.


Nebraska settlements: status, trends, and policy choices / David R. DiMartino with the assistance of Russell L. Smith -- Nebraska's small towns and their capacity for economic development / David F. Paulsen, Burton J. Reed -- Community banking issues in Nebraska / Alfonso J. Garza, William R. Hosek -- Financing public elementary and secondary schools in Nebraska / C. Cale Hudson, Katherine Lewellan Kasten -- The macroeconomics of Nebraska's competitiveness in world agricultural markets / Frank Zahn -- Groundwater quality and policy options in Nebraska / Mary E. Exner, Roy F. Spalding -- The confinement of juveniles in Nebraska jails and lockups / Lorie A. Fridell, Vincent J. Webb -- The Nebraska legislature: policy implications of its organization and operation / Robert Sittig.

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