"Nebraska Policy Choices: 1988" by Russell L. Smith

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The six chapters in Nebraska Policy Choices: 1988 contain the work of eight faculty from the University of Nebraska's Omaha and Lincoln campuses. These faculty, like the twenty-five faculty who wrote chapters for the previous two annual volumes, are some of the leading experts in Nebraska in their respective areas of interest.


Prison overcrowding in Nebraska: the feasibility of intensive supervision probation / Dennis Hoffman and Vincent J. Webb -- Child day care policy issues in Nebraska / Christine M Reed -- Farm income and government payments to agriculture in Nebraska / James R. Schmidt -- Selling Nebraska's water: water sales, transfers and exports / J. David Aiken -- The importance of interstate highways to economic development in Nebraska / David M. Ambrose and Louis G. Pol -- Rural-urban linkages: an assessment of state government revenue and expenditure patterns / Jerome A. Deichert.

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