"Review of Applied Urban Research 1981, Vol. 09, No. 06" by Center for Public Affairs Research (CPAR)

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This issue of Review of Applied Urban Research features "Omaha Area Demographic Change 1970-80," by David R. DiMartino; compilations by Jim Farho; and cartography by Jason Chen and Eric Myers.

Data from the 1980 Census ofPopu· lation and Housing are confirming and adding detail to the anticipated demographic trends of the 1970's. This issue of the Review examines those demographic trends for Omaha and Douglas County. With 311,681 people in 1980, Omaha included nearly one-fifth (19.9 percent) of Nebraska's 1,5 70,006 people. Furthermore, Douglas County included one-quarter (25.3 percent) of the state's population, and the Nebraska portion of the Omaha SMSA 1 (Douglas and Sarpy Counties) included nearly one· third (30.8 percent) of the stare's population. With such a sizeable proportion of Nebraska's population in its primary service and processing center, Omaha's changing demographics should be of general interest across the state.

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