"Lancaster County Population Projections: 2010 to 2050" by David J. Drozd and Tara Grell

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In projections prepared for Lancaster County, population and household growth continues in each decade between 2010 and 2050. The projections show the population increasing to about 321,000 in 2020, rising by more than 35,000 people or 12.4% from 2010. The number of households rises to nearly 130,000 in 2020, an increase of 14.4%, nearly identical to the growth rate during the 2000s. The adjectives “steady” and “stable” accurately describe Lancaster County’s expected future growth. Between 2020 and 2050, the projections indicate growth of nearly 40,000 persons and 18,000 households each decade. The county should reach the milestones of having 150,000 households just after 2030, and 400,000 people in 2040.

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