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While student enrollment has declined in most public and private colleges in Nebraska, the University of Nebraska at Omaha has experienced substantial growth over the past five years. From 1968 to 1972, UNO gained a total of 2,329 students; an annual growth rate of 5.4 percent (see Tables I, II, and III). During this period, the number of full-time students enrolled at UNO increased at an annual rate of 4.0 percent while part-time enrollment increased at an annual rate of 7.1 percent. Although first-time freshmen normally account for a large part of an institution's growth, the 1968-1972 period for UNO was characterized by a 2.2 percent decline (see Table IV). In spite of the loss in the number of first-time freshmen, enrollment of full-time freshmen increased 20.8 percent or 5.2 percent per year. These facts suggest that there has been a large number of students transferring from other colleges and universities.
Recommended Citation
(CPAR), Center for Public Affairs Research, "UNO Enrollment Trends and Projections to 1977" (1973). Publications. 67.