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The Nebraska Legislature's Planning Committee was created in 2009 with the passage of LB 653, in order to help establish a process of long-term state planning with the Nebraska Legislature. The committee was created to assist state government in identifying emerging trends, assets, and challenges of the state and the long-term implications of the decisions made by the Nebraska Legislature.
The goals and benchmarks in the database were developed and approved by the Legislature's Planning Committee to present a common-sense and data-driven assessment of key areas important to Nebraskans' quality of life. This database is a joint initiative with the Nebraska Legislature's Planning Committee and the University of Nebraska at Omaha College of Public Affairs and Community Service.
Following is an overview highlighting some of the key indicators from the nine primary benchmarks contained in the Nebraska Legislative Planning Database.
Recommended Citation
(CPAR), Center for Public Affairs Research, "Nebraska Legislative Planning Database 2012-2013" (2012). Past Publications. 467.
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