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This final report summarizes the major findings of a Non-Profit Capacity-Building Survey conducted for the Omaha Community Foundation working in cooperation with the Non-Profit Association of the Midlands.1 The purpose of the survey is to help determine which functional capacity-building areas (and specific activities within each) pose the greatest challenges for non-profit organizations in fulfilling their missions.

In addition to identifying the major barriers they face, the survey also asks Executive Directors or Chief Executive Officers to estimate to total dollar cost they think their agency would need to invest over the next two years to remove or adequately address them. The cost estimates include actual expenditures to acquire needed skills, training, consultants, equipment or other improvements, as well as additional staff time to build internal capacity or procure volunteers and/or donated resources.

The report also contains information obtained through brief interviews conducted at the end of March with OCF capacity-building project consultants Angela Eikenberry (AE), Carmen Bunde (CB) and Pete Tulipana (PT). OCF staff members are particularly interested in learning how survey findings compare with capacity-building “demand and supply” themes that may be emerging as the consultants interact with project participants.
